Bills We Supported
HB 1106 –
Virginia Produce RX Program | Delegate McQuinn
Status: Left in House Health, Welfare and Institutions.
Summary: The Produce Rx program will provide fresh, locally grown produce alongside healthcare and nutrition counseling to empower patients to overcome barriers to the consumption of fruits and vegetables. The program will allow medical professionals in Virginia to prescribe fresh fruit and vegetables to patients experiencing diet-related chronic illnesses, including diabetes, pre-diabetes, and high blood pressure and food insecurity. Support the Produce RX Pilot Program to increase healthy and nutritious food consumption for individuals with diagnosed chronic disease from a licensed Doctor of Medicine, osteopathy and podiatry, a licensed nurse practitioner, licensed physician assistant, or registered dietitian nutritionist has deemed appropriate for a benefit through a prescription and/or individuals who qualify for SNAP, Medicaid, or TANF.
HB 582 –
Public institutions of higher education; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; Notice to students; SNAP Benefits | Delegate Roem
Status: Passed and signed by the Governor (Effective 7/1/2022).
Summary: Requires each public institution of higher education to ensure that all students have access to accurate information about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), including eligibility and how to apply. The bill also directs each institution to advertise the application and process for applying for SNAP prominently on the institution’s website, in orientation materials that are distributed to each new student, in at least one campus-wide email per academic year to all students at such institution, and through other means.
HB 587 –
School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program; processing of applications | Delegate Roem
Status: Passed and signed by the Governor (Effective 8/1/2023).
Summary: Requires each public elementary or secondary school to process each web-based or paper-based application for participation in the School Breakfast Program or the National School Lunch Program administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture within five working days after the date of receipt of the application.
Budget Amendments We Supported
Item 96 #1c –
Virginia Fresh Match | Delegates McQuinn and Filler-Corn; Senator McClellan | VDACS
Status: $2 million ($1 million each FY) included in the final budget conference report.
Summary: This amendment provides $1 million from the general fund each year to support Virginia-grown agriculture and to increase nutritional access through farmers markets and community food retailers. Funding will be utilized to enhance the buying power of the supplemental nutrition assistance program participants for fruits and vegetables through the Virginia Fresh Match Nutrition Incentive Program.
Item 98 #9h –
Virginia Food Access Investment Program | Delegate McQuinn | VDACS
Status: Not included in the House or Senate budget.
Summary: This amendment provides $1.0 million from the general fund each year for the Virginia Food Access Investment Program. The program provides loans or grants to assist grocers, farmers markets, and other retailers in high-need areas to expand or commence the operations of their facilities.
Item 341 #6h –
Produce RX | Delegate McQuinn | VDSS
Status: Not included in the House or Senate budget.
Summary: This amendment provides $855,000 the first year and $844,100 the second year from the general fund to implement the Produce Rx incentive program. Produce prescriptions are used to improve health outcomes, reduce food insecurity, and decrease long-term health care costs. The produce prescriptions are redeemed for produce at food retailers, community stores, and/or farmers markets.
Item 340 #2s –
Produce RX | Senator McClellan | VDSS
Status: Not included in the House or Senate budget.
Summary: This amendment provides $855,000 the first year and $844,100 the second year from the general for the fiscal impact of legislation to to create a ProduceRx incentive program. The program will be housed in the Department of Social Services in conjunction with the Department of Medical Assistance Services. Produce prescription programs are used to improve health outcomes, reduce food insecurity, and decrease long-term health care costs. The prescriptions will be redeemed for produce at food retailers, community stores, and farmer markets.
Item 98 #2s –
Grocery Investment Act Grants | Senator McClellan | VDACS
Status: Not included in the House or Senate budget.
Summary: This amendment provides $1,000,000 from the general fund each year for the Department to operate the Virginia Food Access Investment Program for grants or loans pursuant to § 36-156.4,et. seq., Code of Virginia. This amendment continues level funding for the Virginia Food Access Investment fund. The fund provides a financing package with loans and grants to help grocers, farmer’s markets, and other retailers in high-need areas overcome capital shortfalls to start-up or expand their operations.
Governor’s Budget Amendments
Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance Program
Summary: Continues the Virginia Agriculture Food Assistance Program established to expand the capacity of Virginia’s network of food providers to accept, store, and distribute food products. There is $11M allotted in the first year to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.