The Power of Storytelling and Cultural Narrative Reclamation (Parts 1 & 2)


Feb 25–25, 2022


10:00AM – 12:00PM



, VA


Mindful and intentional storytelling is at the heart of truth, healing, repair, reconciliation, and advocacy. Great storytellers honor the history that came before them while celebrating their culture and speaking their own truth to power.

Join Voices’ staff Chlo’e and Kristin to explore the history and value of truth-telling and storytelling (10a – 11a), followed by a storytelling workshop (11a – 12p) to guide us with nurturing and amplifying our own stories and voices.

Note: If you previously attended our Storytelling workshops on 1/7/22 or 2/4/22, you have already received Part 1 of this training which details the history, value, and framework for storytelling. You are welcome to join us at 11:00 AM for Part 2, which will focus on implementing and processing storytelling strategies, including a Social Identity Storytelling activity.

Register here.

For any questions contact Kristin Lennox,