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“Breaking the Health-Poverty Cycle: The Urgent Need for Paid Family and Medical Leave in Virginia” Policy Brief

Posted:  -  By: Emily Moore

Voices for Virginia’s Children supports policies that help young people realize their brightest potential. Paid family and medical leave is a proven policy that promotes family economic security and child and family health. Working parents without paid leave disproportionately face income loss, job loss, and health consequences, directly impacting their ability to care for their families. Child poverty is a policy choice. Policies that supplement income can reduce poverty and disrupt the linkage between low income and poor health. Our investment in paid family and medical leave helps to determine whether or not Virginia’s children and youth have the opportunity to thrive.  

Paid Family and Medical Leave provides temporary replacement income for workers with a serious health condition, who need to care for an ill family member, or who are welcoming a new child, including adoptive and foster children. In Virginia, 76% of workers do not have access to paid family and medical leave and only 61% of working parents are eligible for unpaid leave through FMLA. Even when eligible, many parents cannot afford to take unpaid leave. A typical Virginia worker taking four weeks of unpaid leave loses $3,700 in income. The absence of a paid family and medical leave policy leaves many Virginia parents—especially those with low-wage jobs—and their children in poor physical, mental, and financial health.  

Virginia needs legislation that helps families succeed and promotes work-life integration by allowing a reasonable amount of time to focus on family and individual health without worrying about losing income.

Breaking the Health-Poverty Cycle: The Urgent Need for Paid Family and Medical Leave in Virginia is a policy brief that examines the current state of paid leave in the United States and Virginia, and the policy’s impact on the health and well-being of children and families. Authored by Emily Moore, Senior Policy Analyst, this report: 

  1. Provides an overview of what PFML is and how this program supports child health and family economic security, 
  2. Provides context on the status of paid leave initiatives in the United States and in Virginia,  
  3. Outlines key components of a strong PFML policy to consider during design and implementation, and  
  4. Offers considerations and recommendations for legislators and state agencies on other policy issues that should be considered in tandem with PFML to holistically support families and children. 

Download: Appendix A: Breaking the Health-Poverty Cycle The Journey to Establish PFML in Virginia, to learn more about paid leave efforts in Virginia, including:  

  • an overview of historical efforts to pass PFML in Virginia,  
  • economic impacts cited in the 2021 Virginia PFML study, and  
  • the details and outcome of Virginia’s 2024 PFML legislative proposal.

Read the full policy brief below, or download: Breaking the Health-Poverty Cycle Report.

BREAKING THE HEALTH-POVERTY CYCLE: PFML in Virginia Report by Emily Moore, Sr. Policy Analyst, Voices for Virginia’s Children

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