Voices’ Blog

Call for Nominations: 2015 “Making Kids Count” Awards

Posted:  -  By: Voices for VA's Kids

The Carol S. Fox Making Kids Count Award

Voices for Virginia’s Children established the Carol S. Fox Making Kids Count Award in 2012, to be presented annually to an individual and an organization in recognition of exceptional efforts to better the lives of Virginia’s children. Carol is a founder and was a long-time board member at Voices. Her vigorous and principled advocacy for the Commonwealth’s children, and her particular dedication to those children growing up disadvantaged, guided the organization and inspired Virginia’s policymakers and leaders. Read more about Carol’s contributions here.

Award Criteria:
An individual and an organization that has made exceptional contributions to improving the lives of children in Virginia can be nominated. These contributions may have been in public policy advocacy, public awareness and education, program development, service delivery, leadership of child-serving initiatives or organizations, civic or community service, or other endeavors. The efforts should embody many of the following criteria:

  • long-term commitment – the nominee’s efforts were sustained over a significant period of time
  • greatly increased public awareness of the needs of children, and  inspired policymakers, leaders or citizens to take action on behalf of children
  • achieved broad impact – e.g. reached a significant number of children; improved broad policies or laws; sparked system change; or other indications of broad impact
  • showed sensitivity to racial, ethnic and cultural differences
  • showed particular dedication to children who are disadvantaged or otherwise vulnerable
  • represented the highest ethical standards and principled actions


The selection committee will also consider individuals or organizations that have made a significant impact for children over a shorter period of time, as it will reserve the option to present additional awards to “rising stars” in the individual and organizational categories.

Nomination Procedures:
Submit via email (no surface mail) the Nomination Form (This will download as a Word document–don’t forget to save with your responses included) and a description–maximum length two pages double-spaced–of the achievements that merit recognition. The description should explicitly address the award criteria above and provide examples showing how the nominee meets most or all of these criteria. Attach two or three (no more) letters of support from others endorsing the nomination. Please do not attach additional materials.

Selection Process:
A committee appointed by Voices will evaluate nominations and select the award winners. Committee deliberations are confidential and its decision is final. The award will be presented at a reception in Richmond on October 7, 2015.

DEADLINE FOR 2015 NOMINATIONSJuly 1, 2015, by 5PM.

1. Complete the Nomination Form (Word document: don’t forget to save with your responses included);

2. Complete your nomination statement;

3. Collect no more than three letters of support; and

4. Then attach files and submit to nikkia@vakids.org with “Fox Award” in the subject block.

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