Campaign Coordinator Margaret Nimmo Crowe was invited to make a presentation on recent accomplishments and ongoing needs in the children’s mental health system to the Senate Finance Health and Human Resources Subcommittee on Monday, January 14.
The presentation highlighted the uses of the 2012 General Assembly’s allocations for children’s crisis response services and child psychiatry in three regions of the state. It also drew attention to the need for additional funding in the 2013 session so that Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads can expand these services. Finally, the presentation highlighted the need to take further steps to improve the quality and consistency of the Medicaid-funded services of intensive in-home and therapeutic day treatment.
You can read and download the presentation here: Campaign presentation to Sen. Finance HHR
The Campaign is supporting Gov. McDonnell’s amendment of $1 million to the FY14 budget for crisis response services and child psychiatry, as well as an additional $450,000 amendment to add to that amount to fully fund the projects. Further advocacy information about supporting these amendments will be sent out soon.
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