We are excited to report that Governor McDonnell’s budget includes an additional $1 million for children’s mental health crisis services and child psychiatry for fiscal year 2014. This will be in addition to the $1.75 million allocated by the General Assembly last session for fiscal year 2014.
Our hope is that the funding will help expand these services to the two areas of the state that were not funded in the first round: Northern Virginia and Hampton Roads. We will be seeking budget amendments to increase that amount for 2014 so that it allows those regions to fully implement the plans they submitted to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services last summer.
Stay tuned for more details on the budget as we continue with our analysis.
And remember, you can speak out about the importance of this funding at the regional budget hearings in January 4 or at Children’s Mental Health Advocacy Day at the Capitol on January 24!
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