Voices’ Blog

Investing in the Future: Virginia’s Commitment to Early Care and Education

Posted:  -  By: Allison Gilbreath

In Virginia, child care is not just a service but a vital component of our social structure that enables parents to actively participate in the workforce. Shockingly, 74% of the state’s child care centers currently grapple with staffing shortages, creating a significant hurdle for families seeking reliable care options. The repercussions of this issue are substantial, with 68% of parents finding themselves unable to work due to the unavailability of affordable child care. 

Investments in early care and education yield significant returns for children, families, workers, and the economy at large. Yet, despite the collective efforts of parents, caregivers, professionals, and schools to contribute to children’s school readiness, existing systems are fragmented, failing to provide sufficient opportunities for all children to thrive. In fact, 42% of Virginia’s kindergarteners started the 2021 school year lacking foundational skills, underscoring the need for robust support in the early years. 

The backbone of early childhood education faces its own set of challenges. This undervalued and underpaid field, disproportionately composed of women of color, struggles to provide educators with living wages. As a result, the field grapples with retention issues, hindering its ability to offer consistent, high-quality care and education to young learners. All funding listed is for fiscal year 2025 – 2026. 

Key Legislative Outcomes for Early Childhood Education in 2024 

The 2024 legislative session marked a pivotal moment for early care and education in Virginia with the unveiling of the Governor’s Proposed Biennial Budget. This budget, signed this summer, reflects a landmark investment in the future of Virginia’s children, addressing critical needs within the early childhood education system. 

  1. Child Care Subsidy Program (Item #117 N):
    • Proposed Funding: $212,255,104 (FY 25), $237,815,584 (FY 26) 
    • Overview: The Child Care Subsidy Program continues to support families in need by providing financial assistance for child care services. A significant aspect of this funding is the reappropriation of unexpended funds to ensure ongoing support in the following fiscal year. 
  1. Digital Wallet Initiative (Item #117 O):
    • Proposed Funding: $1,000,000 (FY 25) 
    • Overview: This initiative aims to create and manage early learning and child care accounts on a digital platform for families with children aged birth-to-five, enhancing accessibility and financial management for families. 
  1. Mixed Delivery Program (Item #124 S):
    • Proposed Funding: $9,736,015 (FY 24), $36,500,000 (FY 25, FY 26) 
    • Overview: The Mixed Delivery Program leverages federal funds to support a variety of early childhood education services, ensuring that allocated slots are used efficiently while addressing unmet parental demand. This program requires ongoing evaluation to ensure its efficacy. 
  1. Virginia Preschool Initiative (Item #125 C.14):
    • Proposed Funding: $116,283,670 (FY 24), $116,592,886 (FY 25), $115,356,585 (FY 26) 
    • Overview: The Virginia Preschool Initiative (VPI) is a cornerstone of the state’s commitment to early education. Funding supports per-pupil amounts and expands VPI, including provisions for 3-year-old expansion, community add-ons, slot redistribution, ratio flexibility, and provisional licensure incentives. 
  1. Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Capital Fund (Item #103 U):
    • Proposed Funding: $25,000,000 (FY 25) 
    • Overview: Administered by the Department of Housing and Community Development, this fund is designed to increase the supply of quality early learning spaces through competitive grants. The focus is on sustainability and engagement with local employers, ensuring that the expansion of early learning spaces is strategic and long-lasting. 
  1. Early Childhood Education Expansion (Item #124 R):
    • Proposed Funding: $1,000,000 (FY 25) 
    • Overview: This additional funding is dedicated to expanding early childhood education services across Virginia, enabling more children to access the quality care and education they need to succeed. 
  1. Recognize B5 Initiative (Item #124 T):
    • Proposed Funding: $20,000,000 (FY 25) 
    • Overview: The Recognize B5 Initiative is a significant investment in supporting and recognizing the essential role of early childhood educators in the development and learning of children aged birth-to-five. This funding aims to elevate the profession and provide much-needed resources to educators. 

Celebrating Progress 

To commemorate these monumental strides, Voices for Virginia’s Children, along with our partners, hosted a celebratory pep rally event this past July. This event brought together advocates, policymakers, educators, and families to recognize the progress made and to energize our collective efforts for the future.  

[Insert space for photos of the event here] 

What’s Next? 

As we look forward, Voices for Virginia’s Children is working in partnership with the Virginia Promise Partnership to develop a new policy roadmap for early care and education in Virginia. Our focus will be on prioritizing the compensation of the early childhood workforce, who are the backbone of this critical field, and supporting middle-income earners who often find themselves struggling to afford quality care. This roadmap will guide our advocacy and ensure that all children in Virginia have access to the resources they need to thrive. 

Stay tuned as we continue to champion the needs of Virginia’s youngest learners and their families. Together, we can build a future where every child has the opportunity to succeed. 


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