Voices’ Blog

The Path to Virginia’s Prosperity

Posted:  -  By: Voices for VA's Kids

For the past four years, Voices has convened stakeholders to develop a Unified Legislative Agenda for Early Childhood.

This year our agenda’s theme is The Path to Virginia’s Prosperity“. Our Path to Prosperity begins with family support, transitions to high quality early education and leads to success in school and the future workforce. This year, 18 organizations have joined Voices in identifying shared priorities for early childhood.

We believe that there are 3 Steps to take to ensure that at-risk babies, toddler and preschoolers get they early education they need for success. Those 3 steps are:

Step 1: (2014 General Assembly): Expand successful early childhood programs to serve more kids by fully funding home visiting and early intervention.

Step 2:  Identify strategies at the state and local level to give 7,500 at-risk 4 year olds the chance to participate in the Virginia Preschool Initiative.

Step 3Improve quality, safety and cost of child care and preschool.

View the entire “Path to Prosperity” here: 2014 Early Childhood Education Unified Agenda

Feel free to share this document with your networks and your elected officials.

For more information, contact Emily Griffey at Emily@vakids.org.


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