Family Media Training in Fairfax May 14
Comments Off on Family Media Training in Fairfax May 14As part of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Month, the Campaign for Children’s Mental Health is teaming up with Fairfax Partnership for Youth to offer a media training for families of children with mental health issues on May 14 in Fairfax. Here’s the scoop:
Parents and the Media: What Reporters Are Looking For, and How to Tell Your Story
When: Tue, May 14, 2013, 6:30pm-8:30pm
Where: Room 1034, Pennino Building, 12011 Governement Center Parkway, Fairfax, VA 22035
Who Attends: Family members of children with mental health challenges
Free to attend. Dinner will be provided. Please register! (
The Campaign for Children’s Mental Health works to spread the word about children’s mental health needs and reduce stigma for the children affected and their families. Part of raising public awareness of children’s mental health issues is to work through the media, helping inform decision makers to change policies that serve our most vulnerable children. Reporters always want to talk to families who are affected by children’s mental health issues. We know that can be intimidating, so we want to help you prepare BEFORE we get a call and need your help.
This training will be led by a seasoned media consultant who will tell you what reporters are looking for and how to share your story succinctly. As a result, you’ll be able to help improve the children’s mental health system by speaking up about your experiences!
Please register today and feel free to pass along the info to any other families who might be interested.
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