Tag Archive: planning

  1. Need help? Crisis Planning for Families on Dec 3

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    Voices for Virginia’s Children and its Campaign for Children’s Mental Health are pleased to be partnering with NAMI Virginia‘s Virginia Family Network to host a training for families of children with mental health needs on crisis planning. We hear often from parents and other family members that they did not know what to do when a child’s condition deteriorated to the point of crisis. Parents, siblings and everyone in the household can be affected, so it helps to plan ahead. We’ll have a panel of speakers to address how to avoid a crisis if at all possible, how to plan in case there is one, and what resources are available in the Richmond area.

    Here are the details:

    Crisis Planning for Families

    of Children with Mental Health Needs

    Monday, December 3, 2012

    5:30-8:00 p.m.

    Weinstein JCC

    5403 Monument Ave, Richmond, VA 23226

      Panel includes mental health clinicians, a police officer trained in crisis response, a parent and a youth. Come with questions!

     The training is FREE and dinner is included. Child care stipends and travel reimbursements are available, but you must register!

     Please register at:


    Questions? Please contact Stephany Melton Hardison at the Virginia Family Network (smelton@namivirginia.org or 804-285-8264 x206) or Margaret Nimmo Crowe at the Campaign for Children’s Mental Health (margaret@vakids.org or 804-649-0184 x23).

    If you would like to distribute hard copies of a flyer about this training, we have one available to download: Crisis Planning Flyer

    Special thanks to the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services for their generous support of this training.