Voices’ Blog

#VaGA2014 Begins!

Posted:  -  By: Voices for VA's Kids

Today, January 8th, marked the beginning of the 2014 General Assembly session in Richmond, VA. This year, legislators will meet for 60 days (a “long session” year), and work to solve the pressing issues of the Commonwealth, several of which Voices counts among our areas of focus.

And once again, our policy team is hard at work on advancing our policy agenda and educating lawmakers on the needs of Virginia’s children and families.

For more on our plan for this year, you can find our legislative agenda here, and also check out our State Legislative Efforts page, which will feature specific bills and budget items we’ll be working on this session, as well as information and updates on a variety of issues related to our core policy topics: children’s health and mental health, early childhood care and education, foster care and child welfare, juvenile justice, and family economic security.

We’ll also be sending out our Friday email updates to our e-advocacy list members. If you’d like to start receiving these, you can sign up here.

If you have questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us at info@vakids.org, or email specific policy team members about issues related to their subject areas:

Children’s Health and Mental Health: Campaign for Children’s Mental Health Coordinator Ashley Everette, ashley@vakids.org

Early Childhood Care and Education: Senior Policy Analyst Emily Griffey, emily@vakids.org

Foster Care, Child Welfare and Juvenile Justice: Senior Policy Attorney Amy Woolard, amy@vakids.org

For questions related to Family Economic Security, Medicaid Expansion, and other related topics, you can contact Voices Executive Director Margaret Nimmo Crowe, margaret@vakids.org.

We’re looking forward to a productive legislative session and helping to make Virginia’s children and families count!



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