As a newly-minted registered voter, it has been all too easy to get wrapped up and overwhelmed in the chaos of this election cycle. But, if there is one thing I’ve realized, it’s this–the names you punch in on the ballot shouldn’t be chosen because of headlines or campaign posters. It should be about the issues.
The 2016 elections will certainly be branded into the national memory for decades but we need to remember, especially on the local level, is that these candidates are more than personas or breaking news pieces. They are our next leaders; they are forces of change. And, in Richmond, their abilities to focus and establish progress is the key to a brighter city.
Our next City Council Officials, School Board Representatives, and Mayor can and will greatly impact this city. And this change will not be short-term. When our newly elected officials walk into office in January, their priority will be this city and its future.
We’ve heard a lot in this past few weeks about building new schools and RPS funding cuts. But improving this city is about much more. The policies that the next officials will need to implement will combat the multi-faced problems that Richmond families face every day and to do so these policies must come from a place of experience, knowledge, and focus.
As voters, it is our job to look deeper into what each candidate says about their platforms. It is our job to challenge their expertise.
It is our job to vote on the real issues for real change.
The good news is it isn’t difficult to be an informed voter in this election. Voices has created resources to provide insight into where Richmond candidates stand and the key points of this election.
Most importantly, go out and vote for the candidates you believe in on November 8th!
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