We invite you to join Voices in making children a priority and speaking up for them at the state Capitol. By becoming a member of Sustaining Voices, our monthly giving program, you make a lasting commitment to the well-being of children in Virginia. Becoming a monthly donor is a great way to help ensure the stability and efficiency of Voices for Virginia’s Children. Your support today can grow the impact we have tomorrow and ensure we can keep showing up, speaking up and turning up the volume on the needs of our young people. Here is a closer look at what your support can help us accomplish.
- $100/month*: educates policymakers and community stakeholders on solutions to ensure all of the Commonwealth’s children have the opportunities they deserve.
- $84/month*: allows Voices to analyze data, research evidence-based programs and policies to determine unmet needs and threats to child well-being.
- $40/month: provides valuable resources to policymakers and community stakeholders to educate them on policies in the areas of early childhood, foster care and adoption, health and mental health, and family economic security.
- $20/month: engages communities in discussions to provide high-quality projects that allow their voices to be heard at the Capitol and statewide.
- $10/month: challenges the public- through our research and reporting- to recognize the barriers and struggles Virginia’s children experience when attempting to access healthcare.
*denotes you will also be a part our major giving circle, The Champions’ Circle.
Members of Sustaining Voices will receive:
- Welcome kit
- Recognition in publications as a Sustaining Voices member
- Special sneak-peek updates
- Invitation to donor appreciation event
If you have any questions about Sustaining Voices, contact Nikkia at nikkia_at_vakids_dot_org or (804) 649-0184 ext 100.