Voices for Virginia’s Children Statement on House Passage of Build Back Better Plan

Voices for Virginia’s Children Statement on House Passage of Build Back Better Plan

We applaud the House of Representatives for passing a bill that will improve the lives of Virginia’s children and ensure a more equitable recovery from the pandemic. For too long, economically disadvantaged children, Black and Latinx children, and children in immigrant families have been left behind in needed policy change. Build Back Better represents a shift to ensuring that policies are putting these children first in our economic recovery.

When we talk to families across the state, we hear that parents need more affordable and accessible child care, paid family leave, and flexible cash assistance. The House vote today on Build Back Better delivers all three. Virginia’s efforts to expand health insurance coverage have been a lifeline for many families during the pandemic. Build Back Better makes important investments to help children keep their insurance coverage and to improve prenatal care to reduce maternal health disparities.

The dual pandemics of COVID-19 and racism have exacerbated disparities in our country. Passing Build Back Better marks the moment that policymakers are putting equity for marginalized children and families front and center.

Thank you to the members of Virginia’s delegation who voted to pass Build Back Better today. We hope the Senate will take swift action to deliver more relief for Virginia’s families.



Founded in 1994, Voices for Virginia’s Children is the Commonwealth’s only independent, multi-issue child policy and advocacy organization. We are home to the KIDS COUNT data center for Virginia, which includes more than 200 state- and locality-level indicators on child well-being over time. Using data and independent policy research, we advocate for sound policy solutions and mobilize support to meet the needs of Virginia’s children. Learn more at vakids.org.