
Early Childhood Innovation Symposium

June 6, 2016 | 1:00pm — 4:00pm

United Way of Greater Richmond

How can we build a early learning system that involves public and private partners and supports the needs of the “whole child” and family? How can we use our resources more effectively and more collaboratively? I’ve started to outline some of the approaches we could take in “Piece by Piece- Building a Mixed-delivery System” on our Voices’ blog.

If you are interested in learning more about “innovations” in early childhood that embrace these approaches I hope you will consider attending our Early Childhood Innovation Symposium on June 6th. Your feedback helped to identify the topics for this Symposium.


Attend in Person: United Way of Greater Richmond, 221 Maywill Ave Richmond, VA

OR Via livestream at your computer  REGISTER HERE


1:00-1:15 Welcome– Emily Griffey, Voices for Virginia’s Children 1:15- 1:45 VECF innovation projectsProject Pathfinders & Smart Beginnings for Southside Families– Kathy Glazer, VECF

·        An overview of new initiatives aimed at improving the early childhood workforce and testing two-generational strategies.

1:45-2:30 Trauma-informed systemsDr. Allison Sampson-Jackson

·        Learn about what happens to a child’s brain when he experiences trauma. Dr. Sampson-Jackson will share how she is helping systems in Virginia taking trauma-informed approaches and examples of how early learning can take a trauma-informed approach.

2:30- 3:00 Home Visiting Consortium– Laurel Aparicio

·        An overview of the umbrella organization for home visiting programs that promotes collaboration, capacity-building and expansion for Virginia’s home visiting system.

3:00- 3:30 Early Childhood Mental Health Initiative– Bonnie Grifa & Jackie Robinson

·        An overview of the initiative that seeks to train providers in recognizing and addressing early childhood mental/behavioral health.

3:30-4:00  Mixed-delivery systems in practice– Betsi Closter, Fairfax Office for Children & Tammy Mann, Campagna Center

·        Examples from Alexandria and Fairfax of how these communities built mixed-delivery models with public and private preschool providers and Early Head Start- Child Care Partnerships.

This agenda is very tight. We will make time for questions after each presentation but will stick to the timeframe. A standing area and cookies will be available in the back of the room. If you opt to attend via livestream you will be able to ask questions and participate through online chat.

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