
Virginia Summit on Childhood Trauma and Resilience

April 25, 2019 | 8:30am — 4:15pm

Greater Richmond Convention Center

2019 Virginia Summit on Childhood Trauma & Resilience

Voices for Virginia’s Children hosted the first-of-its-kind Virginia Summit on Childhood Trauma and Resilience.  Voices worked with partners  Greater Richmond SCANthe Family and Children’s Trust Fund (FACT), Families Forward.  The Summit was a key milestone in the Campaign for a Trauma-informed Virginia and focused on both policy changes and practices to prevent adverse childhood experiences and promote resilience.

Here is a video of the keynote by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, founder of the Center for Youth Wellness and author of The Deepest Well. Dr. Burke Harris is also the Surgeon General of California.

We are grateful to the Virginia Health Care Foundation for the recording of Dr. Burke Harris’s keynote address.


To provide context to Virginia’s efforts to improve trauma-informed policy and practice, members of the Governor’s administration and the General Assembly shared their perspectives on the policy panel. They include: Daniel Carey, Secretary of Health and Human Resources, Sen. Siobhan Dunnavant, Sen. Jennifer McClellan, Del. Jeff Bourne, and Del. Chris Peace.

Below is the video, with an introduction by First Lady Pamela Northam.




Keynote Speaker: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris

Founder of the Center for Youth Wellness and CA’s Surgeon General


To mark the milestone of our 25th Anniversary, Voices for Virginia’s Children is hosting the Virginia Summit on Childhood Trauma & Resilience.  Voices is working with Greater Richmond SCAN, the Family and Children’s Trust Fund (FACT), Families Forward to host a summit focused on both policy changes and practices to prevent adverse childhood experiences and promote resilience. The Summit will be a key milestone in the Campaign for a Trauma-informed Virginia.

The morning of the Summit will feature a keynote by Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, founder of the Center for Youth Wellness and author of The Deepest Well. She was just recently named the first surgeon general of California. To provide context to Virginia’s efforts to improve trauma-informed policy and practice, members of the Governor’s administration and the General Assembly are invited to share their perspectives on the policy panel.

The afternoon will feature breakout sessions highlighting trauma-informed practice and policy change at the local and regional level and across sectors such as education, children’s mental health, health care, and child welfare. Please also note that we are not able to offer Continuing Education Unit Credits for the conference. 


7:30 – 8:30           Registration/coffee

8:30 – 9:00          Welcome

Margaret Nimmo Holland, Executive Director, Voices for Virginia’s Children
Keith Hare, Board Chair, Voices for Virginia’s Children
Dr. Carl Rountree, Medical Director of Pediatric Specialty Services, Bon Secours
Deborah Davis, Chief of Strategic Initiatives, VCU Health System

9:00 – 10:15         Dr. Nadine Burke Harris gives keynote and audience Q&A

10:15 – 11:15        Policy Panel

Moderator: Emily Griffey, Policy Director, Voices for Virginia’s Children
Panelists: Secretary Daniel Carey, Senator Siobhan Dunnavant, Senator Jennifer McClellan, Delegate Chris Peace, Delegate Jeff Bourne

11:15 – 1:00          Lunch and Introduction of Trauma Networks

Jeanine Harper, Executive Director, Greater Richmond SCAN
Nicole Poulin, Executive Director, Family and Children’s Trust Fund of Virginia

1:00 – 2:15            Breakout 1 (breakout session details)

The Intersection of Racial Inequity and Trauma
Trauma-Informed Collaborations Among Health Systems
Perspectives on Introducing ACEs and “Trauma 101” to Communities
Becoming a Trauma-Response School: A Guide for Virginia School Leaders
Evaluating Evidence-Based Practices: Leveraging Stakeholder Expertise to Inform the Implemenation of the Family First Prevention Services Act

2:15 – 2:30            Break

2:30 – 3:45           Breakout 2 (breakout session details)

The Intersection of Racial Inequity and Trauma
Burnout, Compassion Fatigue and Vicarious Trauma: Caring for the Healing Professional
Trauma-Informed Schools: Techniques and Tips and Practical Experience
Building Resiliency Through Home Visiting
Richmond’s Experience Making Law Enforcement More Trauma-Informed

3:45 – 4:15            Closing

Healing Community with Rhythm, Drums No Guns Foundation – featuring Dr. Ram Bhagat and Shyamuu the Junk Yard Percussionist
Margaret Nimmo Holland, Executive Director, Voices for Virginia’s Children
Lisa Specter-Dunaway, Chief Executive Officer, Families Forward

There are rooms still available at the Downtown Marriott. 

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