Voices for Virginia’s Children staff participates in the following coalitions–read more below to learn about these coalition partnerships and priorities.
All advocates are encouraged to share their stories and to get involved in these coalitions to support better outcomes for children and families.
Virginia Food Access Coalition:
The Virginia Food Access Coalition is a collaborative of public and private organizations advocating for improved access to nutritious, local foods for all Virginians. VFAC seeks to bring healthy and nutritious foods to children and families across the state and to eliminate food insecurity.
Healthcare for All Virginians (HAV) Coalition (Led by The Commonwealth Institute):
The Commonwealth Institute leads the HAV coalition to advance affordable and accessible quality health care in Virginia.
Fund Our Schools (Led by The Commonwealth Institute and Legal Aid Justice Center):
The Commonwealth Institute and Legal Aid Justice Center have co-led the development of the Fund Our Schools coalition to fully and fairly fund Pre-K through 12 public education throughout the Commonwealth.
PUSH Maternal Health Coalition (Led by Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy):
VICPP leads the PUSH Coalition and works to ensure birthing people have access to quality health care from the perinatal period through postpartum.
Virginians for Paid Sick Days Coalition (Led by Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy):
VICPP leads the Paid Sick Days Coalition and works to establish a paid sick days standards for all employees across the Commonwealth.
Campaign for A Family Friendly Economy | Family Friendly Virginia:
Helping families across Virginia get access to paid family medical leave and affordable child care.
Tax Fairness for Virginia Coalition (Led by The Commonwealth Institute):
Reforming how Virginia raises revenue and promoting equity by supporting policies that invest in our schools, invest in our environment, invest in our healthcare, and invest in our community.
Virginia Promise Partnership (Led by Virginia Early Childhood Foundation):
All Virginia families have access to affordable child care by 2030 regardless of income.