Update on Census Data
February 25, 2022
This blog was originally published by COUNT ALL KIDS, which can be found on its website here.
Today Hagase Contar, a project of NALEO Educational Fund, is celebrating the count of young Latino Children.
Today we are joining NALEO in encouraging Latino communities to complete the census form and include their young children because an accurate Census count requires that every baby and child be counted . The last decennial census missed young Latino and African American children at a higher rate than other age groups. PRB recently released research that analyzed eight factors that are correlated with the risk of undercounting young children. According to their research a higher percentage of Latino children under 9 experience these factors compared to all children for 7 out of 8 of the factors. These include experiencing poverty (9 percentage points higher in relation to all children), living with one parent (8 percentage points higher), in the care of a grandparent (1 percentage point higher), living in rental housing (15 percentage points higher), living in multi-unit housing (9 percentage points higher), living in a large household (5 percentage points higher), and living in a limited- English proficient household (12 percentage points higher). This research shows that we need to find creative strategies to reach and encourage Latino families to include their young children in the 2020 Census given that so many families are now sheltering in place and not participating in most of their usual activities.
Our messaging research showed that many Latino immigrants would be interested in hearing about the Census on Spanish T.V. or radio, particularly including information about how their privacy will be protected. Hagase Contar also noted that fear and general mistrust of government is one of the challenges facing the Latino community and other groups. During this time of shelter-in-place, reaching families by radio and social media are critical.
NALEO is celebrating the count of young Latino children today, but this whole week is dedicated to counting different communities in the Latino community. They have provided many resources to celebrate this day. Below are portions of their Latino Census Week of Action plan which you can also access here.
November 10, 2020