
Members’ Budget Amendments Related to Early Care & Education

  • Early Care and Education
  • State Advocacy

By Voices for VA's Kids

Members’ Budget Amendments Related to Early Care and Education

These amendments are introduced to adjust the Governor’s proposed budget. The House Appropriations and Senate Finance committees must decide whether or not to incorporate these amendments in the budget.

Child Care Safety

Fingerprint Background Checks- $1.6 mil (Anderson, Hanger)

Start up funds for the implementation of a fingerprint background check; Del Anderson’s establishes a non-reverting fund for the fees to go back to the costs of implementation.

Virginia Preschool Initiative

1. Eligibility for VPI participation (Massie)

“Eligibility for participation in this program shall be consistent with student eligibility for a free meal in the School Lunch Program.”

2. Form at Jt House Appropriations and Senate Finance Subcommittee to make recommendations to reform VPI (Greason, Stosch)

More detailed language in the Sen. Stosch and Del. Greason amendments.

3.Cash grants to parents for early childhood education- $5 mil (Sickles)

4. Eliminates local match for VPI (Sickles)

5. Unused VPI balances for scholarships to private programs (Krupicka)

6. Space in private providers towards in-kind match (Krupicka)

7. Count overhead from operating space in private providers’ programs towards localities’ in-kind match.

8. Date change for final VPI participation (Krupicka)

9. Raises in-kind contribution to 75% (Favola)

10. Reduce local contribution cap for VPI to 40%- $12M (Barker)

11. Increase VPI per pupil rate to $6,120 to adjust for inflation- $1.5M (Hester, Miller, Vogel)

Early Intervention/Part C

Increase Early Intervention Part C Funding– FY15- $2M; FY16 $2 M (Ingram, Howell) AND Increase Part C Case Management Rate– $2.2 M (Ingram)

Other Issues

Kindergarten Readiness Assessment– $1.7 mil (Greason, Vogel)

Funding through VDOE to UVA’s CASTL for a three-year phase-in of the voluntary statewide implementation of the VA Kdg Readiness Project, building on PALS.

More on the VA Kdg Readiness Project

Additional funding for VECF- $250,000 (Greason)

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