
Voices Executive Director to Serve on Northam’s Transition Team

  • State Advocacy

By Cassie Price

Voices for Virginia’s Children celebrates the appointment of our executive director, Margaret Nimmo Holland, to Gov.-elect Ralph Northam’s bipartisan transition team.

Northam tapped three other community leaders with connections to us: Eva Teig Hardy, former Virginia Secretary of Health and Human Resources and current Voices Council of Advisors member; Anne Holton, former Virginia Secretary of Education, former Virginia first lady, former juvenile court judge, and former Voices board member; and William “Bill” Murray, State Council of Higher Education for Virginia member and Voices board member.

Northam’s selection of these and several other child advocates suggests children’s issues will be a priority for his administration.

“It will be an honor and privilege to serve on Gov.-elect Northam’s transition team,” Margaret says. “I welcome the opportunity to work with this bipartisan group of transition team members on issues affecting the well-being of the commonwealth’s children, including juvenile justice, foster care, mental health, and economic disparities.”

By choosing individuals from a variety of regions, political affiliations, and fields of expertise, Northam’s transition team will represent diverse voices. This is good news for us and our fellow Virginians.

“This kind of diversity is exactly what we need to advocate effectively for public policies that champion the well-being of Virginia’s children and families,” Margaret said. “I look forward to rolling up my sleeves!”

Daily Press article

Office of the Gov.-elect press release

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