
Affordable Care Act: Good for Kids

  • Federal Advocacy
  • Health Equity

By Voices for VA's Kids

Voices’ Policy Director and Campaign for Children’s Mental Health Coordinator Margaret Nimmo Crowe wrote the following blog post for Pundits’ Podium, the new blog of the Richmond Times-Dispatch, on 3-21-12. You can find the blog online.

This week marks the second anniversary of President Obama signing into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). We have certainly been inundated with political views about this law here in Virginia. What you may not know is that ACA is a huge health victory for kids. Here are a few of the ways it improves access to health care for children:

Better access to regular preventive care and necessary medical treatment means healthier kids. Healthier kids can reach their full potential. That sounds like a victory for everyone.

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