While the Virginia General Assembly maintains a predictable session schedule, Congressional action can vary from year to year, and the timeline is often somewhat of a surprise. Stay up to date on pending federal action by reading our most recent blog posts.
At the federal level, Voices monitors and often advocates on issues such as: children’s health insurance, SNAP and child nutrition, Head Start, child care, child welfare, and family poverty.
2020 Census
Every year, more than $10 billion in federal funds is allocated to Virginia and localities based on census data, either directly or through Census population estimates.
The potential undercount of children deeply impacts Voices for Virginia’s Children.
- We rely on accurate census data to track and measure child well-being over time. We use this data to support our policy advocacy. If the data is undermined in any way, our advocacy is in jeopardy and our ability to improve the lives of Virginia’s children is impacted.
- Virginia receives federal funding for several programs that impact the well-being of children, many of which rely in part on the accurate count of everyone. Without an accurate count, we stand to lose federal support for programs that mean a healthier start for children.
The last Census missed about 2 million children. Learn more below!
Federal Advocacy Fact Sheets & Reports
Federal Choices Threaten Health Insurance for Virginia’s Children, 2017 (PDF): Detail on how changes to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) could impact children.
Federal Investments in Early Learning in Virginia, 2015 (PDF): Head Start, Child Care and Development Block Grant, MIECHV, Preschool Development Grants, Head Start Child Care Partnership Grants