The Governor’s budget proposal included funding to sustain VPI+ classrooms in 13 school divisions. Additionally, the Governor requested funding for new quality initiatives targeted at Virginia Preschool Initiative classrooms, included required participation in the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program (VKRP), a comprehensive assessment of a child’s school readiness. His budget also included funding to improve the quality of instruction in VPI,through classroom observations, professional development, and incentives to implement evidence-based curriculum.
On Sunday, February 4th, the House and Senate each released its version of the budget. Both the House and Senate made significant changes to the Governor’s proposals.
The House budget recommends making the following changes:
Eliminating $9.7 million for the VPI+ classrooms
Eliminate $1.7 million for VPI curriculum and classroom observation
Recapture $2.2 million in unspent VPI funding and $2 million from teacher licensure requests to other purposes.
The House add $274,350 to increase the VPI per pupil amount to $6,350.
The Senate Finance Committee recommended these changes:
Eliminating one of the two new proposed early childhood positions at VDOE
Reduce funding for VPI+ classrooms from $9.7 million to $7.3 million and require the 13 participating localities to make a 25% match for state funding
Eliminate $1.7 million for VPI classroom observations and curriculum
Voices will advocate to keep funding for VPI+ classrooms in the budget and to continue to increase the per pupil rate. Join us by sending a message to members of the education subcommittees of Appropriations and Finance asking for a final budget that keeps VPI classrooms open.