Even though school is out for summer, Virginia policymakers have been receiving a crash course in early childhood education policy. The state legislators on the VPI Reform committee have met three times this summer- each time receiving more information from experts and stakeholders on the successes and challenges of the Virginia Preschool Initiative. And earlier this summer, state leaders and experts involved in the Lt. Governor’s Council on Childhood Success identified financial support and expansion of VPI through private partnerships as a top priority. Clearly policymakers will have VPI on their radar when budgets and legislation are introduced this December!
But, before we get to December, families all across Virginia will celebrate an important milestone- the first day of school! Over the next couple of weeks, we want to keep the conversation going about VPI and share more about what has helped our youngest children. We want to share more about how VPI has helped to prepare children for a successful start to school. And, we want you to help us!
We have already collected hundreds of postcards from supporters of VPI around the state and are sharing these with our state policymakers. You can weigh in too!
Share a photo or a Facebook post with #ISupportVPI!
If you are a parent, grandparent, aunt, early childhood professional or any taxpayer, you probably know kids and families that have benefited from VPI. Here are some examples of what you might want to say about the Virginia Preschool Initiative…
#ISupportVPI because it helps close the achievement gap.
#ISupportVPI because it taught my daughter the language skills she needed for school.
#ISupportVPI because VA businesses need an educated workforce.
I’m a teacher and #ISupportVPI because it prepared my students for kindergarten.
Tag your posts on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram! (Be sure to follow us too!)
Please share your comments before school starts on Sept. 8th. And if you have a student in your family entering school this year, we hope that you are planning to post their photos too. We love seeing the smiling faces of Virginia’s children!
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